Mesin Pencampur Kimia AVS-150
GlobeCore adalah satu-satunya perusahaan teknologi tinggi di dunia untuk produksi pabrik elektromagnetik yang beroperasi dengan aplikasi nyata di sektor industri yang memberikan hasil yang diharapkan.
Mesin Pencampur Kimia beroperasi dengan prinsip mengubah energi medan elektromagnetik menjadi bentuk energi lain. Unit ini berupa ruang (pipa) berdiameter 90-136 mm, yang terletak di dalam induktor medan elektromagnetik yang berputar. Ada elemen silinder feromagnetik berdiameter 0,5 – 5 mm dan panjang 5 – 60 mm di area operasi, dari beberapa lusin hingga beberapa ratus (0,05 – 5 kg), tergantung pada volume zona kerja.
Ruang dapat dirancang dengan beberapa cara tergantung pada persyaratan proses di dalam ruang.
Untuk proses fase cair, saringan dipasang di sisi semak, atau di ujung saluran keluar saja. Jika bahan berserat diproses, saringan jenis labirin dipasang. Perangkat ini menahan partikel feromagnetik di zona kerja.
Konsumsi energi di dalam ruangan hanya ditentukan oleh desain, material dan ketebalan dindingnya dan tidak tergantung pada kekuatan medan magnet. Untuk mengurangi konsumsi energi, kami membuat ruangan dari bahan non-magnetik (baja tahan karat).
Medan elektromagnetik yang berputar menyebabkan elemen feromagnetik di zona kerja bergerak dan menciptakan apa yang disebut “lapisan pusaran”
Komponen utama unit elektromagnetik dengan lapisan pusaran adalah: induktor medan elektromagnetik yang berputar dengan sistem pendingin, terhubung ke catu daya tiga fase 380/220V, 50Hz, dan ruang operasi dengan elemen feromagnetik.
Karakteristik Teknis AVS-150
Parameter | Tipe |
AVS-150 | |
Laju pemrosesan maksimum, m³/jam | 30 |
– pengolahan air | 30 |
– produksi suspensi | 15 |
Tekanan operasional, MPa (kg/cm²), maks: | 0,25 (2,5) |
Diameter zona kerja, mm | 136 |
Induksi magnet di zona kerja, Т | 0,15 |
Sumber daya listrik | Dari jaringan AC |
Frekuensi, Hz | 50 |
Tegangan, V | 380 |
Rotasi medan magnet di area kerja, RPM | 3 000 |
Konsumsi daya, kW | 9,5 |
Dimensi, mm |
– unit: 1300×1100×1 690 – panel kontrol: 1 060×1030×1 900 |
Berat, kg |
– unit: 500 – panel kontrol: 450 |
- penghancuran, pencampuran, dan aktivasi media yang diproses secara bersamaan;
- penghancuran super halus;
- intensifikasi proses. Waktu retensi diukur dalam sepersekian detik;
- mengurangi konsumsi daya;
- ekonomi bahan baku;
- mudah untuk dipasang kembali ke dalam jalur pemrosesan yang ada.
AVS vortex layer devices manufactured by GlobeCore can be used:
In construction for:
- quartz sand grinding;
- caked cement grinding and activation;
- wood flour manufacturing;
- construction mix production;
- expanded clay production;
- aerated concrete production;
- sand-lime brick production;
- manufacture of asbestos-cement products;
- microcement production;
- bitumen emulsion production;
- gypsum processing and activation;
- calcium carbonate grinding;
- production of ceramic items;
- water magnetization;
- chalk grinding;
- linoleum production;
- mixing of bitumen and perlite, bitumen and chalk, as well as other additives to bitumen for obtaining of grouts;
- ovalization (removal of sharp edges) and selective crushing of synthetic diamonds;
- mixing of charge stock constituents applied in production of diamond tool bodies.
In additive technology for:
- preparation of finely dispersed mixes;
- graphene production;
- graphite milling;
- pyrocarbon (carbon) crushing;
- glass milling;
- obtaining (by mixing) of refractory compounds (titanium carbide, molybdenum silicide) with simultaneous grinding to the required granularity;
- pulverization and mixing of refractory powders;
- mixing of various constituents of bulk materials (organic-bond powders, metal-based bond powders, micropowders, ceramic frit constituents, graphite and metal powders during the synthesis of superhard materials, disintegration of diamonds (including the needle-shaped ones), ovalization of diamond grains);
- mixing of diamond-bearing molding powders;
- cellulose milling;
- resistors manufacturing.
In the fuel industry for:
- blending of diesel fuel and fuel oil;
- heavy marine fuel preparation;
- mixed oxide fuel production;
- coal grinding to obtain water-coal fuel;
- biodiesel production.
In the paint and varnish industry for:
- paint production;
- mineral pigment dispersion;
- synthesis of inorganic pigments;
- road surface marking paint production;
- improving the protective properties of paints and varnishe.
In agriculture for:
- pre-sowing electromagnetic seed processing;
- sugar beet processing;
- peet processing for humic fertilizers production;
- leonardite grinding;
- peat gel production;
- sapropel processing;
- amaranth milling;
- chicken manure decontamination;
- chicken manure disinfection;
- swine manure decontamination;
- fodder production;
- herbicidal suspensions production;
- production of granulated organic fertilizers from chicken manure.
In the metallurgical industry for:
- titanium dioxide production;
- gold production;
- oil shale grinding;
- intensification of sulfur smelting autoclave process;
- ferrite powders grinding;
- ferrite powders mixing;
- mold flash removal to ensure hardening of parts.
In the petrochemical industry for:
- preparation of dispersions to manufacture rubber products;
- crude oil activation;
- removal of sulfur from crude oil and petroleum products;
- purification of used oils;
- gasoline processing;
- cutting fluids production;
- graphene lubricant processing;
- lubricant grease production;
- preventing the formation of heavy oil deposits;
- activation of crude and residual oils;
- drilling mud production;
- rongalite production;
- neutralization of sulfite solution;
- resin glue production;
- activation and modification of fillers to be added to pure rubbers;
- lubricants production;
- processing of crude oil to increase the yield of low-boiling fractions;
- obtaining (by grinding and subsequent mixing) of filled metallopolymers based on fluoroplastic and graphite;
- medicinal plants extraction.
In wastewater treatment:
- wastewater treatment from hexavalent and trivalent chromium;
- wastewater treatment from iron;
- wastewater treatment from nickel;
- wastewater treatment from zinc;
- wastewater treatment from copper;
- wastewater treatment from cadmium;
- wastewater treatment from cyanide compounds;
- wastewater treatment from arsenic;
- wastewater treatment from lead;
- wastewater treatment from magnesium;
- wastewater treatment from fluorine;
- wastewater treatment from phenol;
- wastewater treatment from phosphates;
- wastewater treatment petroleum products;
- wastewater treatment from healthcare facilities (infectious diseases hospitals, specialized centers for early treatment of tuberculosis, etc.);
- domestic wastewater treatment;
- wastewater treatment from milk processing factories;
- poultry farms wastewater treatment;
- vegetable oil factories wastewater treatment;
- wastewater treatment from electroplating facilities;
- wastewater treatment from fodder yeast production facilities.
In the food industry for:
- pectin production;
- coffee milling;
- lignin production from apricot kernels;
- production of pulpy juices from berries;
- electromagnetic processing of vegetables;
- electromagnetic processing of semi-finished meat products;
- electromagnetic processing of finished meat products (sausages, frankfurters);
- intensification of meat broth production process;
- production of bone food paste;
- intensification of flour-based foods production process;
- mayonnaise production;
- extraction of protein substances from microorganisms;
- yeast activation;
- activation of ingredients in chocolate products;
- freezing-out of vegetable oil;
- electromagnetic processing of water-alcohol solutions (liqueurs and spirits);
- obtaining of starch and molasses;
- hydrolysis of carbohydrates to the level of alcohols;
- production of emulsion-based sauces;
- purification of unrefined vegetable oil (sunflower, rapeseed, mustard seed oils);
- instant dissolution of powdered milk (or casein) in sour cream;
- dispersing (micro-level mixing) of mustard, powdered milk, powdered eggs with other ingredients;
- hot pepper milling;
- cocoa shell grinding;
- ethyl alcohol production.
In waste processing for:
- production of tiles from waste materials;
- fuel preparation for sast-neutron reaactors;
- grinding of old asphalt concrete;
- obtaining of mineral binders from smelter slags;
- preliminary processing of liquid organic waste before anaerobic fermentation;
- zeolite grinding and activation;
- intensifying the process of radwaste vitrification in electric furnaces;
- liquid radwaste cementing;
- disposal of ash dumps from hydroelectric and thermal power plants, slag heaps, and coal beneficiation factories;
- paper stock grinding in the pulp and paper industry.